Contour 30
The medium-sized one: powerful, controlled, remarkable
Contour 30 steps it up a notch from the 20. Of course, it still treads the same path – one of honesty, transparency and sheer entertainment, but it puts it all in a bigger package. We’ve endowed Contour 30 with two 18cm MSP drivers, as well as doubling up on the rear ports. What makes our drivers so special? Variable thickness across the diaphragm, for one thing. And aluminium voice-coils, for another. We can make them extremely light – but also bigger than the old-style copper units you’ll find elsewhere. Lighter weight means larger diameters, which means we can use more windings, which means we have more control over the cone movement. And that means more control over the sound – especially at high frequencies and high volumes. Sure, we experimented with small voice-coils on the new Contour – the size other companies might use. The measurements said they should work for Contour. Our ears said otherwise, so we went big. Our ears were right.